About J4J

This blog was created by the family of Jason Day who was wrongfully convicted of "Shaking Baby Syndrome". We have fought for 3 years for his justice and we will continue to fight until the world knows the truth. We want to educate people about SBS and have a place to share our thoughts and our daily struggles as we fight for my brother's innocence.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Saw Jason tonight.....was a short short visit sad to say.......he looks tired and sad.....it is hard to see, causes me to pray pray pray.Please join me in prayer for him to remain strong and uplifted. Pray he reaches out to his only true Helper !

1 comment:

  1. That IS (and has been all along) my prayer...that Jason (and all those in his life) will come to know the FULLNESS of the Wonderful Counselor Lord God Almighty! TO HIM BE THE GLORY...forever and ever! Amen
