About J4J

This blog was created by the family of Jason Day who was wrongfully convicted of "Shaking Baby Syndrome". We have fought for 3 years for his justice and we will continue to fight until the world knows the truth. We want to educate people about SBS and have a place to share our thoughts and our daily struggles as we fight for my brother's innocence.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I have made a new Facebook page for Jason, I will tell the story of what happened and when soon.Please join us in the fight for his freedom !


Wednesday, July 4, 2012


the more I read the more I need GOD to balance me....
Another 4th of July without my son.......this is the hardest holiday to be without him. You would think Christmas,Thanksgiving or others would be. No,this is it...... It is because that is when he had the most fun,and not just for one day,for many days prior and after he would be throwing blackcats around scaring the beegeebees out of whoever he could ! I talked with him last night, he sounds good, but we didn't mention today,we both know why. I will spend the day going through the motions and thinking of him ..lighting some for him. I have others to watch,care for,love and for that I am thankful. But the pain, it never ceases. It lingers like an old song you know. I WANT MY SON HOME NOW. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Prison walls and hope

The drive down to see Jason is easy, and enjoyable especially with my kids and their kids. I seem to do fine all the way there,that is until we get to the last intersection.....the prison walls appear, the horrid wire on the fence is shimmering in the sunlight.....as if it should be a beautiful sight...... it stabs my mothers heart.....so so deep, it hurts beyond words...... there are NO words ......no words come to my mind to describe the pain and agony my heart goes through...physical pain is one thing......deep deep heart pain is another thing all together. As I make the last turn into the prison, I pray, I pray hard.. The Lord is ever faithful to give me hope and peace every step I take into those hard,cold prison walls.. to give me joy in my step,to soothe my mothers heartache...the little things are so very important right then.. the voices of my little sweet grandchildren, who really have no clue what it means to me or to his family.All they know, is that Jason should not be where he is and that we are trying so hard to get him home....they love him,simple as that,they seem to simply accept that he is stuck there ...I want that faith!. I want that hope, I pray as I hold their little sweet  hands while they are being searched and frisked and prodded by the guards,that I, too can have that simply faith and hope and love as I go through the ugly and long process to be able to see my son through a t.v. monitor...... I pray I can stay my hope on my GOD and SAVIOUR as I pray my son can stay  HIS hope on GOD,alone.... I am grateful to see my son,to hear my son. I pray someday I can hold my son again . I am grateful for the smiling faces of those guards that meet me there,that are kind and treat us good.... I am grateful we can all go see Jason and give him hope  and help...... 

Monday, June 4, 2012

my son :)

I can't imagine

I am really really missing Jason today :( these times come in waves, doing daily chores,doing the mundane...... and then it strikes, his face,his humor , his smile, his hugs.......makes me so sad...so so sad, then I pray, I cry , I hope, I lose hope, I pray, I cry.....over and over and over again.....this is the hardest thing I have ever been through...and I think to myself.......THAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH?,...what about Jason? I cannot imagine sitting in a cell, 24 / 7......accept for maybe one hour a day outside,and that is in a cage , like an animal......innocent yet sentenced to life with the chance of parole.......can you imagine? how would YOU handle that? Jason makes me proud on how he has been able to remain positive, or at the least sane.....Lord knows the plan for my first born. HE is HIS....I love that, I suffer and I hurt.....but I know in the end , if Jason knows HIS saviour , then HE will meet me in paradise one day. I pray Jason can hug me at home before paradise ! Please keep him in your prayers for his battle is long and hard.......

Monday, May 7, 2012

Please keep Jason in your prayers , for personal safety.......thank you

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hearing the birds sing, watching the yard bloom,smelling all the smells of spring........wishing Jason could feel the wind on his face and smell the smells.... I wonder how he maintains sanity where he is....I am proud of how well he is doing considering his life right now.... I miss him so... He writes all the time and I live to get those letters.. I sent him 10 books this week, so glad there is no limit, wonder where he will put them all...... I love to think of him just staring at the pictures we send.  I try to send pictures of trees,outdoor spaces........I wonder how hard it is for him to see his nieces and nephew growing up and not being able to really know them....... He hasn't been able to touch one of them for 3 1/2 years now..... I am thankful for the visits we have..... Lord , please comfort him and surround him with peace and knowing that YOU are there with him all the way......... I miss you Jason, miss your humor,your smile , your hugs.......hearing you say Hi momma......love you momma...... for now..... I stay in a place of trust and peace with my  God and knowing His plan for you is better than anyone knows........ 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Letter from Jason.......its the little things !

I just had to share this letter from Jason,first one so far,written before we saw him,but sent after.
Guess what mom ?

" I got to spend 1 full hour in the sunlight,first time since Feb 09, I just layed down on the concrete to soak up as much as I could. I know you've seen those outdoor kennels for dogs,well,that is what I get,I get to come out to it 5 times a week for a hour.It was absolutely amazing ! I got to see grass,tree and rocks ! And even some cattle, lol ah`,but it truly is the little things that matter in life. I can't describe the immense, spiritual lift that has provided, I 'd forgotten the acutal feeling of sunlight hitting the flesh, I 'd also forgotten how much the outdoors means to me,. I feel that through this experience, HE is letting me know that my time here will be a better , healthier place for my body and soul."
This letter brought me to joyful tears, goes to show you ,even in this horrid time, there are blessings for us all

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Instructions for Depositing Money into Inmate Trust via Wachovia Lockbox
1. Obtain money orders and / or cashier’s checks made payable to inmate. Personal checks
and cash are not accepted.
2. Mail money orders and / or cashier’s checks in envelopes addressed in the following
CCA Inmate Trust
(Inmate Last Name, Inmate First Name / Inmate CCA Commissary #)
Facility: DAVIS
P.O. Box 933488
Atlanta, GA 31193-3488
3. Make sure senders first and last name and return address is on the envelope.
4. Do NOT include and correspondence such as letters, cards, pictures, or packages with a
money order or cashier’s check. None of these items sent to this address will be
forwarded to the inmate or returned to sender.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jason S Day # 649616
Davis Correctional Facility
6888 East 133rd Road
Holdenville Ok 74848

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

this is the link to find out how to send Jason any money.....and bless you all for your help and prayers.
http://www.cca.com/facility/davis-correctional-facility at the bottom it has a link to the rules and address.
I must say, yesterday was one of the hardest days since trial. I had to go pick up Jason's belongings from the county jail.... had to wait for a while and that did me in,sitting there, where we used to see him every week for 3 years......loathed that place but it was "home" to my son,and it was tough sitting there, knowing he is gone again,to somewhere else I know I will loathe, with less visits,more travel time and so much unknown. I ache with heartache, the smell of his clothes, all of his books, the reminder that his life is not his own again.
I kept thinking of the little boy , with so much promise, a straight A student, funny and smart , so much potential...... and now he sits in a cell.........I cannot imagine the pain he must feel, the darkness of it all. I have tried to. I have made myself sit in a bathroom with lights out,on the cold floor,with door closed. I sat there as long as I could.......which wasn't very long.....just so I could relate to him....feel his pain,prayer for him... it was torture.. I think the realization that my son is gone for a long time is starting to hit me now..... although I have faith and hope and cherish that...and am thankful to God for his blessings and mercy and grace.... I just simply hurt, mourning the loss of my son,his life and his future..... I hang onto the promises of God, the fact HE tells us we know now the future,and He has plans for good for us......hard to see that through the horrid pain,but I know Him and He loves my son and has a plan for him too.
For now , I will hang onto the last "real"shirt he wore, his books and pictures and letters........and try to feel him and pray he knows how many are loving and praying for him.....

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jason has been moved

Jason has moved. A hard hard realization for me and our family, even though we knew it was coming.......it stills hits me hard, bawled the minute I found out..... but, he was looking forward to a better place than where he was, he lives for books and there is no limit on how many I can have sent to him :) I hurt so,not being able to talk to him through this,but it causes me to pray more,rely on the Lord to hold Jason up..the new place is 1 1/2 hours away, we only get to visit via a television monitor which is hard,but "live" so it is better than nothing and we dont have to bend over and talk through a tiny bunch of holes......I will miss the face to fave albiet through glass, one hour visits, so that is longer than we had... His letters will go directly to him :) Soon he will be able to go to library,or at least request books and any reading material he would like, hoping he gets to feel the wind on his brow, breath fresh air soon.... the pod he is in was in lockdown the day he got there and that is tough so please pray for him the next few days ! He should be able to call soon, I look forward to hearing his voice. There are religious services too :)
I thank you all for all of your support through prayer,monies and encouragement,you will never know how that holds us all up...... he knows he is not going through this alone......and we are praying and hoping for a retrial in 8 months :) To God be the Glory in all that happens.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I just wanted to make a quick post and update about Jason. He was transferred from county jail 2 weeks ago and was sent to Lawton Prison. He wrote 2 postcards while he has been there, saying he was healthy and okay. He said they did not give him towels, toothbrushes, deodorant..nothing. He is struggling with that a lot right now, because if you know Jason, those are the things that keep him grounded....sane. He called my mother tonight to tell her he would be transferred again to the prison he will be at indefinitely on Tuesday. He does not know where yet...very uneasy feeling. I think he is ready to get where he will be going and get all the intake and transferring over with. Hard not talking to him or seeing him these last few weeks, and likely many more weeks. What prison he goes to depends on what protection he has and what amenities he is able to receive. I want him to be safe, but I also want him to have visits, have time OUTSIDE, and be able to call and write as much as he wants.

I haven't been thinking about it all because I don't like it to become overwhelming...the past 3 years have been too overwhelming to even comprehend, so this moment is a lot more to wrap my head around. Please just pray for him, think about him, whatever you do to send love his way, please do. Thanks to everyone following this blog. I love you all and appreciate you taking time out of your day to read what we have to say.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Most Recent Visit

I got to see Jasn Thursday evening for 1 1/2 hours. Thank goodness, I needed a nice long visit with him before he was tranferred to "camp", as my mom calls it. lol. The word prison makes it harder to comprehend somehow, so we try not to say it a lot...coping mechanism I assume.

Jason and Lily played around a lot and I got some good advice from him. He is probably most like me and the way I think than anyone in my family. He's just as non-judgemental and logical as I tend to be. Wish we had more talks like that...hard to when your not sure if you get a 15min visit or 1.5 hours.

There was another family visiting that evening as well that Michael started talking to and found they were in a earily familiar fight for their family member as we were. He was sentanced just last week and might be transported with Jason the week of March 10th. I am so glad we can connect with other people about the "justice" system and all the people wrongfully convicted, especially in child death cases where the medical evidence wasnt there. Times like this just remind you how your not the only one going through something like this...there are SO many other people and stories out there. People fighting for a loved one, the system failing them. I really hope we can be a strong support community for people in these situations. This is our goal, to spread the word of the injustice thats happening in th system and all the lives it affects.

I will let everyone know when Jason is transferred, at that point there will be minimul communication between us and Jay. Thank you everyone for the continued support and I am glad we could connect Johnson family, we are here for you when you feel alone in your fight.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Been A While

So, it's been a few weeks since sentancing/my last post. This is the part that makes me feel guilty. Always so much emotion and thoughts about Jason and this whole thing, but to sit down and write about it seems impossible sometimes. Maybe it is the simple fact that writing about it makes it come to the surface, and I am very good about NOT letting things come to the sufrace..at least not very often.

I havent seen Jay since court either. Im hoping I am scheduled for next week. Lily asks about him every time we head down the road in his direction, lol. She says " We go see Jay Jay Momma?." There are so many times I am thankful for the fact that she is so young and there is only so much she will ask and understands. Still, she is so much smarter and understands so much more than we think!

As of now there are 17 followers. I changed the settings on the blog so that you could all leave comments anytime you wanted. I didnt know you couldnt until my mother informed me, lol. So, comment away, and thanks for following.

Love Catherine

Saturday, February 11, 2012

So.... sentencing is done..it was a hard day. Jason looked so sad. But we all came and showed our love and support..So did the news....I loathe the news anymore, we just cannot believe what we hear on it. They said over and over we showed no emotions...I sure wish they could know the pain and agony we faced with Jason and the countless tears we have all shed in the last 3 yrs. But ,whenever I think on those things, I quickly stop myself and turn to my God and ask for peace and strength for all of us, but especially for Jason, He is afterall the one facing the hardest of times now... He is strong, I am amazed on how well he has done in the situations that face him daily. He remains positive and alive and well and most of the time in good spirits. He has done so well and I couldn't be prouder ,considering NONE of us know the nightmare he faces day in and day out. He even remains positive about the possibility of getting a new trial someday. That is where our hope lies also. I am looking forward to holding him in my arms again,for him to be able to touch his neices , he never has been able to since they were babies. To be able to hug him will be the best thing since this has happened. Can you imagine not touching another human being for 3 yrs..... I cannot..I have locked myself in my bathroom in the dark to try and "feel" as he does daily.....and I cannot handle it for more than a few minutes.. sounds odd,but I so want to feel how he does to know how to pray....then the Lord leads me in my prayers,isnt that amazing...I am grateful for the challenges in this life that have brought me to my knees, and I have learned so many things of how God works and how he wants us to rely on Him in every little thing ,not just the big ones... He is an awesome God and has carried us through this...and carried Jason . I am so grateful for those who comfort us,support us,pray for us and fight with us... it will be a long hard battle for Justice 4 Jason,but we will never stop !

Friday, February 10, 2012

Whats Next...

So, sentencing was at 1:30 today. The judge gave Jason the maximum sentance of Life in prison WITH the possibility of parole. This is what was expected, so now we move on to the next step. There is an appeal against the judge over wrongdoing during trial (without going into too much detail online ). What this means is that it will take 6 months to just start the appeal process, then it will take 6 months to  year from then to determine if there was wrongdoing on the judge's part. After that decision has been reached, we appeal the decision of the jury. So, appeal after appeal. This is how we fight the system.

In 11 months we will be back in court to appeal the decision on sentencing and ask for a lighter sentence. So, its all a waiting game, like it has been for the pat 3 years. It will be a few more years before we either re-trial or go back to trial for the appeal. In the meantime we gather information, hire the best people we can, take care of eachother, and PRAY.

Jason will be tranferred to a prison in Oklahoma within 40 days of today. He will go to Lawton for processing in which time we cannot speak or see him for 2 weeks to month. From there he will be transferred to a prison of their choice. The lawyers wrote a letter requesting he go to a minimum security prison given his background and his behavior in the past 3 years at county. There is no telling what will happen and where he will go. What we do know is we will get to touch him, hug him, and be in his presence. I am so glad he is leaving that nightmare of a place, county. He can take classes, go outside, be productive..not sitting in a cell for 3 years not seeing sunshine or feeling the wind..crazy how they can treat people in the county jail BEFORE they even go to trial!

So, thank you all again for being a part  of this journey and thinking of us and Jason. This isnt the end, just a different chapter.

Catherine, aka: His Little Sister

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Tomorrow, Friday February 10th, 2012at 1:30pm is Jasons sentancing. It's a strange feeling. I am trying to stay unattached as much as possible because I do not want all the emotional and overwhelming feelings of trial to come back, but I can only be so disconnected. My brother says he doesnt want to come with us, and I don't blame him at all. Why go back to that place, see those DA's, and the judge and all those people who help put my brother in jail...what is the point? To see Jason? To be there for his support? I think its ALL about supporting him. Showing him he is not alone in ANYTHING he will do from now on in all of this. I am considering bringing Lily, my 3yr old daughter. She has never seen Jason out from behind the glass of the county jail. I dont want her in the courtroom, just to be there and let him see her for the first time outside of County since she was a week old. Who knows how long it will be before he is sent to prison and we can see him in person and hug him and everything else that comes with being able to be phsyically with someone. I think we all take advantage of that at times...

Even though we basically know the outcome of the sentancing, it's still weighing heavily...sort of finalizing this 3 year nightmare. Im actually excited for him to go to prison. I WANT him to go there instead of staying at county for another 3 years. I can be with him, we can have visits longer than 15 min...He needs fresh air, to be outside...I am ready for the next part of this "journey" with Jason..The Battle part. They have no idea what my family has in store.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tattoo: Accomplished!

I got my J4J tattoo today. I LOVE it. It hurt, don't get me wrong, but I did it and I love it and I cannot wait to show Jason on Thursday..well, I guess he will see it Wednesday.. sentencing is Wednesday at 10am. Gonna be another emotional day. Blugh. My brother is working on the design he wants, so his should be coming soon. Oh, so for those wondering: The 3 birds symbolize (Feb 3rd is the day Natalie died and Jason was taken from us, it also means it was a 3yr journey from day 1 till time of trial/sentencing) Birds flying symbolize power and freedom..which we are striving for in this journey. In myths birds have symbolized such things as "the flight of the soul" "New beginning", "Hope."

It's going to be a constant reminder of what my family is going through and what we are doing for Jason every day.

Friday, February 3, 2012

3 years ago today,my life,my sons life,my families life was changed forever.. our little Natalie went to be with Jesus after suffering her entire life.... I begged the Lord to let her stay,He chose to take her, I came to terms with that soon after. Comfort came in knowing she would no longer be hurting and suffering so..she is dancing the streets of gold along with my daddy..... I take comfort in that daily.I miss her perky little self, her deep dark hair and eyes,wonder what she would be like now. I know she would be running around with her daddy if she could and he would be her protector,dad,friend and would love her more than he did while she was with us....My heart aches, my soul moans at what her passing has done to all of us, I praise God for the many blessings He has given us since that day, the strength ,the courage,the peace,the comfort and the ability to keep on going day after day when our hearts hurt, to let Natalie go and pick up the fight for my son... the struggle is unbearable at times, realizing how unjust it is to have lost both Natalie and my son on that day......
I give thanks that we still have Jason here with us... but ache to hold him,hug him,let him say goodbye to his little girl ,the right way, he tried so hard to save her that night and then was snatched away from her before being able to hold her one last time,to kiss her fat little cheeks again. He was thrown into a hell I cannot begin to understand, I try to think of how he must feel.....but then I cry and hurt to bad, so I pray, I call out to God for relief, and He gives me peace and help. We have had a long fight since then,to bring Jason justice, and the fight isnt over . and will never be over as long as his family is living on this earth......
I know God knows the plan for Jason and it may never be what we want or think is best..HE knows best we must trust HIM alone. I wanted to take this moment to remember Natalie,her cute little cheeks,her dark hair and eyes.....her smile..and think of her up in Heaven , living a perfect life with our Saviour...and give thanks for that knowing and comfort....... I love you Natalie,we all miss you so...... see you in Heaven little angel

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just a Thank You

I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone following this blog. It means a lot that someone is taking time out of their busy life to read about ours :) Feel free to leave comments anytime!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Time goes by so slowly sometimes, then all the sudden its been another month and I don't know where the time went or how I ever thought it went by so slow..So I apologize for not writing lately!!

 Last time I saw Jason I told him that I would be getting a J4J tattoo in the next few weeks, but ONLY if HE designed it. I am doing it for him, for the memory, for the strength to push on, and for all the people in the world that will see it and ask me about it! I currently have 1 tattoo now, a pink bow on the back of my neck that is in memory of Natalie Michelle. My brother Kenneth and I will be getting them done together :) I have had some people say to me: "Why would you want a tattoo that makes you re-live the last 3 years and all the heartbreak..ect". Here is my answer; It is a CONSTANT reminder of what me and my family have gone through. Whether it be the sadness of the trial, the jail visits, the time behind or ahead of me now, it is ALL memories and it is MY LIFE. When I see the tattoo I can be reminded of how strong Jason is and what HE went through and what WE went through as a family. It's a way to remind myself of how strong a person really is and what I can overcome...because I honestly believe this is the hardest thing I will ever go through. Its like the emotions of a funeral, wedding, birth of a child, all wrapped into this single thing in my life. There is no way to prepare..no advice to be given, no book to read, nothing but family and friends to just BE THERE in any way they can. So, a tattoo is a decision that will affect me for the rest of my life, but I am ALREADY affected the rest of my life!! A tattoo is my way of releasing my pain and emotions of this journey. Its an outlet and a way to share my story...Jason's story. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

It is coming up,the 3rd anniversary of Natalies death and subsequently the incarceration of my son. It has been the hardest 3 years of my life as well as my family...the loss of Natalie ,to this day is so hard. The realization only more real to us all ,as my other grandbabies who were born the same year, turn 3 yrs old and we see them grow and learn and enjoy them so, I cannot help but wonder what Natalie would have been like,how she would look, her smile, her attitude(it showed at a young age ) :) I must constantly ground myself in the word, and pray for relief of the ache I feel, stop and really enjoy every moment I have with my grandchildren here in front of me and cherish every memory we have. God does not promise to make sense of Natalies death, He only promises that HE has a plan and that HE loves us and loved her and is loving her now for eternity. and that we will see her again., that HE will get us all through this if we trust HIM and love HIM... I do both and everyday thank Him for the wonderful blessings that have come through this horrible 3 yrs and know that there will be more good that comes...one day at a time Sweet Jesus!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I have been quite overwhelmed since trial......sorting through the pain and agony of this defeat,the loss,the mother's pain I feel is so totally indescribable..so deep, so hard. If it weren't for KNOWING my Lord and Savior has my son in His loving ,merciful arms, I dare say , I wouldn't make it..... I am trying to write down the timeline of what happened to Jason, working ever so slowly though the memories,to get to a place that I can stand up and fight for him....in any way I possibly can. My memory is sporatic to say the least, but I am trying,everyday to write a memory down,compare it to my other childrens memories and to Jason's recall.....it is tough tough stuff to go back to...the joy of Natalie's birth, watching Jason come around to accept his responsibility in her life,watching him fall in love with her,care for her,and try to better himself for her, then to watch the tradegy of her illness,,her life,the lack of care for her by her mother, and her death, it is all so painful.....but it is necessary to recall, to be able to get passsed the pain and anger ,and remember the joy and the trials we all had with helping raise her,care for her, and the loss we felt and still do with her death and then the loss of my son,my childrens oldest brother.... Please continue in prayer for my family,especially for Jason as his days are hard and dark for him....I will continue to write and soon will post the timeline of this tradegy in our lives, we continue to trust the Lord with everything and someday hope to say Jason is free and give God the glory

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1 1/2 Hour Jason Visit :D

Just got back from my visit with Jason. My best friend Amanda and I went this week. No kiddo's, which I am thankful for. OKC County Jail decided to book 9 visitations for floor 6 when there are only visitation "pods." Ya, WTH?!?! When we got up there the 7 lucky ones to hold a spot for themselves got to visit first and the other two had to wait until a spot was open. Jason, being such a big guy, of course claimed a pod spot :)

Our visit lasted an hour in a half, and it was filled with talks of books, magazines, current events, sign language, and anything else we could fit into the visit. He is learning sign language because there is someone on the floor with him that has been deaf since he was 2 and is willing to teach Jason...Not gonna lie, I learned a few "naughty" sign language words, hehe. He is trying to find a new book series to read if anyone has any good ideas? He like sci-fi/fantasy/etc. Basically anything that was interesting enough for you to read he will, lol. I barely ever read and when I do it is only non-fiction and around the ares of cultural studies/sociology. So, feel free to pass some good book ideas along or even pass the book themselves if you have some sitting gathering dust!

Jason had to go to the dentist last week for a tooth thats been giving him a lot of pain the past year or so. Cost him $15..which is the money he would normally use for phone calls, so we gotta put more on for him tomorrow so he can call his momma (he said) :P Also, he got caught with "contriban"...a WATCH. A Dept. of Corrections watch and the DA is pressing charges or something hoping they can stick it on Jay's record because they can use taxpayers money to do WHATEVER they want because there is NO ONE there to tell them they cannot. Nice huh?? Ever feel hopeless under the system? Ya, now you should. GRRRR. SOO. if it goes past a certain point he could go all the way to a TRIAL! Meaning Jason could spend 6 months-1 year longer in county because of the $%^&$#$ DA! Ok, sorry..a little heated.

It was an awesome visit though, lots of laughing =D He seemed really good, except for the watch them, got him heated. I apologized for not writing him the last 2 weeks like I had planned, but he understood. I havent been on here to blog either because I have been moving to a new house, had a severa case of strep, then Lily got imfentigo (spelling?), so overall a long hard couple weeks. I am back on track..ok..almost.

Thanks for reading and following the blog. It means a lot to know people out there have room to be a part of someone else's life. <3

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Saw Jason tonight.....was a short short visit sad to say.......he looks tired and sad.....it is hard to see, causes me to pray pray pray.Please join me in prayer for him to remain strong and uplifted. Pray he reaches out to his only true Helper !
I am going to visit Jason for the first time tonight,,since trial....and it is really difficult. Although I have talked with him on the phone many times, I struggle with looking into his eyes. He is so strong and has held up well through this nightmare,better than I could have..... it hurts so much to know he is headed to prison........the injustice of it is so hard to bear at times....I am thankful to know in my heart,mind and soul, the Lord is in control....I still hurt,cry,struggle to understand how this has happened. I want to give him hope ,the only way to do that is to believe the Lord has this under control no matter what we are suffering along with Jason, HE has a plan for good for my son,no evil.......I am now trying to write the story behind this whole nightmare,but words fail me, I suppose it is because it is so very emotional,not just for me but for my other children.
I am trying to put my hands to work in the fight for Jason and quickly become overwhelmed. Please continue praying for him and all of us ,that we know how to start this fight, where to concentrate our efforts, this is not over !

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jamison The Missed

I am missing my brother more than ever. I can't seem to understand all the events leading up to his conviction. No matter how I look at it, it still doesnt make sense. Its baffling to know someone innocent can be convicted of something they didn't do. This crazy string of unfortunate events that lead him down this path to "hell." One shock after the next. Its like every bad outcome that could have happened, happened. The odds say at least one time he would actually be looked at like he should. But nope, this has defied all odds and has not missed a beat. From start to finish every bad ending has been seen. What does that mean the future will hold? Im still hoping for the odds to prove they are still there, that at least once we will have a better outcome, that my brother's fate will not be held in incompetent hands.....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Letter

I told Jason I would try writing him in a new style now. More like a daily diary that I would send him at the end of each week. The first week went off well, but this is my second week and I haven't written at all...and I am supposed to mail the letter tomorrow....I HATE not "finding" the time to write him because I feel like of all things I do in my day he should be on the top of the list. In reality though, finding time to sit for 20 minutes and write about my day is becoming hard to do, especially when there is SO much to do daily at the moment with moving and Michael starting school. Its also not helpful with carpel tunnel (we think that's what it is) to sit and write more than a paragraph. I am buying a printer as soon as I can afford one so I can start typing my day up and printing them out..although it seems less personal, but in the end he gets a letter :) 

Now that Kenny and I are living together, its AMAZING how many times throughout the day that Kenny will do something and I will think "I bet Jason would have said/done the same thing." No wonder Mosta (a.k.a Mom) has such a hard time making sure not to compare the two and let it get to her when Kenny is around. He hasn't been around for longer than Jason has been in county, so its all like playing catch-up with him and I feel like if Jason was sitting here with us they would be a couple of Twinkies :)

I haven't seen Jason in about 2-3 weeks now, so I am eager to see him and catch him up on all that's happening. Will write tomorrow :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Place For Thoughts

I started this blog because it seems like I have so much to say, and nowhere to share it. I want people to know the truth, I want to be able to reach thousands of people, and I want people to see what happens in the daily life of the family fighting for the justice of a loved one. Jason is my big brother, Natalie's father, a son, an older brother, a PERSON. I am here to do EVERYTHING I can to spread the word and fight till I die for my brothers' justice. I will do whatever it takes to spread the misdiagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" and misdiagnosed child abuse so that maybe this might not happen to another innocent person. 
Please join us in the fight for Justice for my son Jason.......wrongfully convicted for the death of his beloved daughter Natalie...... the fight continues after 3 years of waiting for justice......we will be posting more of the story soon........