About J4J

This blog was created by the family of Jason Day who was wrongfully convicted of "Shaking Baby Syndrome". We have fought for 3 years for his justice and we will continue to fight until the world knows the truth. We want to educate people about SBS and have a place to share our thoughts and our daily struggles as we fight for my brother's innocence.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Letter from Jason.......its the little things !

I just had to share this letter from Jason,first one so far,written before we saw him,but sent after.
Guess what mom ?

" I got to spend 1 full hour in the sunlight,first time since Feb 09, I just layed down on the concrete to soak up as much as I could. I know you've seen those outdoor kennels for dogs,well,that is what I get,I get to come out to it 5 times a week for a hour.It was absolutely amazing ! I got to see grass,tree and rocks ! And even some cattle, lol ah`,but it truly is the little things that matter in life. I can't describe the immense, spiritual lift that has provided, I 'd forgotten the acutal feeling of sunlight hitting the flesh, I 'd also forgotten how much the outdoors means to me,. I feel that through this experience, HE is letting me know that my time here will be a better , healthier place for my body and soul."
This letter brought me to joyful tears, goes to show you ,even in this horrid time, there are blessings for us all

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Instructions for Depositing Money into Inmate Trust via Wachovia Lockbox
1. Obtain money orders and / or cashier’s checks made payable to inmate. Personal checks
and cash are not accepted.
2. Mail money orders and / or cashier’s checks in envelopes addressed in the following
CCA Inmate Trust
(Inmate Last Name, Inmate First Name / Inmate CCA Commissary #)
Facility: DAVIS
P.O. Box 933488
Atlanta, GA 31193-3488
3. Make sure senders first and last name and return address is on the envelope.
4. Do NOT include and correspondence such as letters, cards, pictures, or packages with a
money order or cashier’s check. None of these items sent to this address will be
forwarded to the inmate or returned to sender.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jason S Day # 649616
Davis Correctional Facility
6888 East 133rd Road
Holdenville Ok 74848

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

this is the link to find out how to send Jason any money.....and bless you all for your help and prayers.
http://www.cca.com/facility/davis-correctional-facility at the bottom it has a link to the rules and address.
I must say, yesterday was one of the hardest days since trial. I had to go pick up Jason's belongings from the county jail.... had to wait for a while and that did me in,sitting there, where we used to see him every week for 3 years......loathed that place but it was "home" to my son,and it was tough sitting there, knowing he is gone again,to somewhere else I know I will loathe, with less visits,more travel time and so much unknown. I ache with heartache, the smell of his clothes, all of his books, the reminder that his life is not his own again.
I kept thinking of the little boy , with so much promise, a straight A student, funny and smart , so much potential...... and now he sits in a cell.........I cannot imagine the pain he must feel, the darkness of it all. I have tried to. I have made myself sit in a bathroom with lights out,on the cold floor,with door closed. I sat there as long as I could.......which wasn't very long.....just so I could relate to him....feel his pain,prayer for him... it was torture.. I think the realization that my son is gone for a long time is starting to hit me now..... although I have faith and hope and cherish that...and am thankful to God for his blessings and mercy and grace.... I just simply hurt, mourning the loss of my son,his life and his future..... I hang onto the promises of God, the fact HE tells us we know now the future,and He has plans for good for us......hard to see that through the horrid pain,but I know Him and He loves my son and has a plan for him too.
For now , I will hang onto the last "real"shirt he wore, his books and pictures and letters........and try to feel him and pray he knows how many are loving and praying for him.....