About J4J

This blog was created by the family of Jason Day who was wrongfully convicted of "Shaking Baby Syndrome". We have fought for 3 years for his justice and we will continue to fight until the world knows the truth. We want to educate people about SBS and have a place to share our thoughts and our daily struggles as we fight for my brother's innocence.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jason has been moved

Jason has moved. A hard hard realization for me and our family, even though we knew it was coming.......it stills hits me hard, bawled the minute I found out..... but, he was looking forward to a better place than where he was, he lives for books and there is no limit on how many I can have sent to him :) I hurt so,not being able to talk to him through this,but it causes me to pray more,rely on the Lord to hold Jason up..the new place is 1 1/2 hours away, we only get to visit via a television monitor which is hard,but "live" so it is better than nothing and we dont have to bend over and talk through a tiny bunch of holes......I will miss the face to fave albiet through glass, one hour visits, so that is longer than we had... His letters will go directly to him :) Soon he will be able to go to library,or at least request books and any reading material he would like, hoping he gets to feel the wind on his brow, breath fresh air soon.... the pod he is in was in lockdown the day he got there and that is tough so please pray for him the next few days ! He should be able to call soon, I look forward to hearing his voice. There are religious services too :)
I thank you all for all of your support through prayer,monies and encouragement,you will never know how that holds us all up...... he knows he is not going through this alone......and we are praying and hoping for a retrial in 8 months :) To God be the Glory in all that happens.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I just wanted to make a quick post and update about Jason. He was transferred from county jail 2 weeks ago and was sent to Lawton Prison. He wrote 2 postcards while he has been there, saying he was healthy and okay. He said they did not give him towels, toothbrushes, deodorant..nothing. He is struggling with that a lot right now, because if you know Jason, those are the things that keep him grounded....sane. He called my mother tonight to tell her he would be transferred again to the prison he will be at indefinitely on Tuesday. He does not know where yet...very uneasy feeling. I think he is ready to get where he will be going and get all the intake and transferring over with. Hard not talking to him or seeing him these last few weeks, and likely many more weeks. What prison he goes to depends on what protection he has and what amenities he is able to receive. I want him to be safe, but I also want him to have visits, have time OUTSIDE, and be able to call and write as much as he wants.

I haven't been thinking about it all because I don't like it to become overwhelming...the past 3 years have been too overwhelming to even comprehend, so this moment is a lot more to wrap my head around. Please just pray for him, think about him, whatever you do to send love his way, please do. Thanks to everyone following this blog. I love you all and appreciate you taking time out of your day to read what we have to say.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Most Recent Visit

I got to see Jasn Thursday evening for 1 1/2 hours. Thank goodness, I needed a nice long visit with him before he was tranferred to "camp", as my mom calls it. lol. The word prison makes it harder to comprehend somehow, so we try not to say it a lot...coping mechanism I assume.

Jason and Lily played around a lot and I got some good advice from him. He is probably most like me and the way I think than anyone in my family. He's just as non-judgemental and logical as I tend to be. Wish we had more talks like that...hard to when your not sure if you get a 15min visit or 1.5 hours.

There was another family visiting that evening as well that Michael started talking to and found they were in a earily familiar fight for their family member as we were. He was sentanced just last week and might be transported with Jason the week of March 10th. I am so glad we can connect with other people about the "justice" system and all the people wrongfully convicted, especially in child death cases where the medical evidence wasnt there. Times like this just remind you how your not the only one going through something like this...there are SO many other people and stories out there. People fighting for a loved one, the system failing them. I really hope we can be a strong support community for people in these situations. This is our goal, to spread the word of the injustice thats happening in th system and all the lives it affects.

I will let everyone know when Jason is transferred, at that point there will be minimul communication between us and Jay. Thank you everyone for the continued support and I am glad we could connect Johnson family, we are here for you when you feel alone in your fight.
